The program is designed by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter, Carb Rotation Diet is said, can help you lose weight FAST, safely and permanently. He claim the program can make you lose 2lbs a week if you follow this program for 30 days and some have even managed to lose 15 lbs. His principles in the program are as follows:
The concept
The Carb Rotation Diet has a 3-day cycles.
Day 1 is a high carb/mid protein & vegetables day; Day 2 is a low carb/mid protein & vegetables day;
Day 3 is a no carb/all protein & vegetables day.
Day 4-Day 6 is a repeat of Day 1 to Day 3
Since most diet programs only work for some and not for the others, please read the arguments of each weight loss specialist and make your choices before purchasing.
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Weight Loss Diet Plan - Jason Hunter Carb Rotation Diet Plan
Diet plans come and go, but it really says something when a plan has staying power - that means it's working for people. The Carb Rotation Diet plan, created by Jason Hunter, falls into this category. Being a registered dietitian, Jason has the nutritional credentials to give dieters the kind of plan that works fast and effectively.
First off, he has divided the plan into two parts: one for men and one for women.
The female version is called: The Dramatic Dress Size Reduction Diet
The male version is called: Get Rid of My Gut Diet
This makes sense, because men and women tend to gain and hold weight in different parts of their body. Women mainly want to lose unwanted fat in their hips, thighs and waist, while men want to get rid of that belly fat that can blow up to huge proportions.
Because he's educated in nutrition, Jason spends some time in his book, teaching you about staying fit and healthy for the long term. I really think this is important information that constantly needs to be repeated, since, most people experience the disappointment of losing weight, then gaining it all back. It doesn't have to be that way if you learn how your body really works with food.
The Carb Rotation Diet involves going on a weekly meal plan that uses calorie cycling to achieve a desired weight loss. Every three days, you'll be shifting the amount of carbs, fats and proteins that you eat. Some days you'll be eating low carb meals, some days you'll be eating high carb meals, and other days you'll be eating meals with no carbs in them whatsoever.
Because there's a whole bunch of foods you can eat that fall under each cycle, you won't be starving for foods that fill you up. In fact, Jason believes that starving yourself to lose weight is a losing method. The body responds to starvation by holding onto calories - exactly the opposite effect you're trying to achieve.
You should avoid any diet that has you eating like a rabbit for several days in a row (cabbage soup diet for example), because you're going to burn out on it real fast, then you have a high possibility of returning to all your favorite fatty foods to make up for feeling hungry.
This diet is for people who can faithfully follow a detailed eating plan for 30 days, and who are ready to take their eating choices and nutritional health seriously. Calorie cycling is a proven weight loss method that works, and you can easily learn to do this at home.
For more information on The Carb Rotation Diet and calorie cycling, go here:
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Jayson Hunter's Carb Rotation Diet is becoming more and more popular as additional users report their results with it. This article will review this diet and try to provide a more in depth look into what is involved in the Carb Rotation plan so you can make a more informed decision about it.
First of all, who is Jayson Hunter?
Jayson Hunter is a registered dietitian with a BS in Nutrition and Dietetics. I'm writing this to let you see that he has all the credentials that are needed in order to provide you with expert advice on the right way to eat in order to lose weight. He is also a features author in various health related publications and the creator of the Carb Rotation Diet (the female version of this diet is also known as the Dress Size Reduction diet).
Second, what is Carb Rotation? This is an eating plan in which you change the amount of daily carbohydrates calories that you consume from one day to the next and also change the type of food that you eat. The idea is to keep the metabolism running as high as possible at all times by creating some low calorie days but never allowing your metabolism to believe that you're in fact, getting too few calories over a period of time. This is meant to avoid the normal mechanism of our metabolism which slows down whenever the body fears it is being deprived of enough calories.
So you get some days of low carb, some of medium, and some of normal. Another principle of Carb Rotating is that you eat 4-6 meals each day. These are small meals and the constant food supply also helps the metabolism run faster.
Of course, you shouldn't expect to eat fast food as you do need to develop long term healthy eating habits, but Carb Rotation isn't so hard to follow.
One thing you should know is that this is mainly a nutrition based diet. Jayson Hunter isn't a physical trainer, though the diet does come with some physical fitness related bonuses. This is the main disadvantage of this plan but people still report losing up to 15 pounds in a single month so the results are impressive.
To read more about this diet, click here: Jayson Hunter's Diet.
Eric Simkind writes on multiple subjects of interest including health and fitness. To read more about how to lose weight fast, click here: Carb Rotation Reviews.
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Recommended ReadingCarb Rotation Diet
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