Saturday, February 13, 2010

Update Feb. 13 - 2009 Pro's Or Con's "The Carb Rotation Diet -WeightLoss Program" By Health Experts

The program is designed by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter, Carb Rotation Diet is said, can help you lose weight FAST, safely and permanently. He claim the program can make you lose 2lbs a week if you follow this program for 30 days and some have even managed to lose 15 lbs. His principles in the program are as follows:
The concept
The Carb Rotation Diet has a 3-day cycles.
Day 1 is a high carb/mid protein & vegetables day; Day 2 is a low carb/mid protein & vegetables day;
Day 3 is a no carb/all protein & vegetables day.
Day 4-Day 6 is a repeat of Day 1 to Day 3
Since most diet programs only work for some and not for the others, please read the arguments of each weight loss specialist and make your choices before purchasing.

Recommended Reading

Carb Rotation Diet
5 Absolute Truths Every Serial Dieter
Who Seeks Rapid & Permanent –
Weight Loss MUST Come To Grips With

Diet Books Online - What's the Best Calorie Shifting Diet Book?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I've been in the fitness industry for over 40 years and it always amazes me the different "solutions" folks claim to have. I was involved with the over weight sailors program many years ago so I had some fantastic training on weight issues. We tried lots of stuff. The old calories in versis calories used worked every time LOL balanced food choices so the body didn't miss out on needed nutrients and that was it. I'm now an ACE certified lifestyle and weight management consultant and they stick with the calories in and calories out system too. Eating just certain foods on one day and not the next could lead to some imbalances.
