The program is designed by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter, Carb Rotation Diet is said, can help you lose weight FAST, safely and permanently. He claim the program can make you lose 2lbs a week if you follow this program for 30 days and some have even managed to lose 15 lbs. His principles in the program are as follows:
The concept
The Carb Rotation Diet has a 3-day cycles.
Day 1 is a high carb/mid protein & vegetables day; Day 2 is a low carb/mid protein & vegetables day;
Day 3 is a no carb/all protein & vegetables day.
Day 4-Day 6 is a repeat of Day 1 to Day 3
Since most diet programs only work for some and not for the others, please read the arguments of each weight loss specialist and make your choices before purchasing.
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Carb Rotation Diet Review - Pros and Cons
The Carb Rotation Diet (also known as carb cycling) is an increasingly popular weight loss method which is being used by more and more people to lose fat and improve their appearance and health. But no Carb Rotation Diet review will be complete without going into the pros and cons of this diet. It's the best way you can decide whether or not this diet is the right one for you.
Carb Rotation Diet Pros and Cons
1. This diet gets results for many people. It's possible to lose up to 15 pounds in 30 days with this diet.
2. You get to eat 5-6 meals each day so you don't starve like you do with other diets.
3. The diet is simple to follow and doesn't require finding special foods, pills, or gadgets.
4. The food on this diet is simple, affordable, and easy to get in any market.
5. You don't cause your metabolism to slow down when you rotate your carbs so it's easy to maintain your weight loss into the future.
1. The carb Rotating diet doesn't develop any specific body part. It's a nutritional diet, not one which is based on exercise, so you don't build muscle with it unless you also workout.
2. The carb rotation diet has some days which are low on carbs. If you're a total carb addict, then this diet can be a little difficult for you to pursue.
Overall, the carb rotation diet provides a good solution if you wish to lose weight in an easy way which doesn't too much of your free time.
To read more about this diet, click here: Carb Rotation Diet.
Eric Simkind writes on multiple subjects of interest including health and fitness. To read more about how to lose weight fast, click here: Carb Rotation Review.
Carb Rotation Diet
5 Absolute Truths Every Serial Dieter
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