Thursday, December 24, 2009

Update Dec. 24 - 2009 Pro Or Con "The Carb Rotation Diet" By Health Experts

The program is designed by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter, Carb Rotation Diet is said, can help you lose weight FAST, safely and permanently. He claim the program can make you lose 2lbs a week if you follow this program for 30 days and some have even managed to lose 15 lbs. His principles in the program are as follows:
The concept
The Carb Rotation Diet has a 3-day cycles.
Day 1 is a high carb/mid protein & vegetables day; Day 2 is a low carb/mid protein & vegetables day;
Day 3 is a no carb/all protein & vegetables day.
Day 4-Day 6 is a repeat of Day 1 to Day 3
Since most diet programs only work for some and not for the others, please read the arguments of each weight loss specialist and make your choices before purchasing.

Recommended Reading

Carb Rotation Diet
5 Absolute Truths Every Serial Dieter
Who Seeks Rapid & Permanent –
Weight Loss MUST Come To Grips With

Weight Loss Diet Plan - Jason Hunter Carb Rotation Diet Plan

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Upgate Dec. 12 - 2009 Pro Or Con "The Carb Rotation Diet" By Health Experts

The program is designed by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter, Carb Rotation Diet is said, can help you lose weight FAST, safely and permanently. He claim the program can make you lose 2lbs a week if you follow this program for 30 days and some have even managed to lose 15 lbs. His principles in the program are as follows:
The concept
The Carb Rotation Diet has a 3-day cycles.
Day 1 is a high carb/mid protein & vegetables day; Day 2 is a low carb/mid protein & vegetables day;
Day 3 is a no carb/all protein & vegetables day.
Day 4-Day 6 is a repeat of Day 1 to Day 3
Since most diet programs only work for some and not for the others, please read the arguments of each weight loss specialist and make your choices before purchasing.

Recommended Reading

Carb Rotation Diet
5 Absolute Truths Every Serial Dieter
Who Seeks Rapid & Permanent –
Weight Loss MUST Come To Grips With

Is Rotating Your Carb Intake A Good Idea?
By Nina Redza

There have been quite a number of reviews on Jayson Hunter's Carb Rotation Diet program, which boasts a realistic fat loss of 2 lbs a week. He advises his readers to try the program for 30 full days to see the full effect. How effective is his program?

Jayson takes you on a comprehensive journey in his e-book. He teaches you how to calculate your basic caloric intake to suite your height and weight and teaches you how to take body fat measurement using calipers. Many people don't know how to do this right and it's certainly not a comfortable process!

As a registered dietitian and a personal trainer, it gives comfort to know that he understand the processes of our body's system and how to create a diet program for maximum results. His basic principle is as follows:

1. Eat 5 to 6 meals a day

This ensures that our body is constantly burning calories after every 3 hours and this will elevate our metabolism all day.

2. Eat proteins and vegetables at every meal

This is a carb rotation diet, which means that the proteins and vegetables intake remain the same or is higher depending on which cycle you are in. Most of the fats will come from the protein source.

3. Eat complex, whole wheat carbohydrates

Eliminate or reduce refined carbohydrates and introduce more whole wheat products such as bread, pasta, brown or wild rice and sweet potatoes.

4. Choose lean protein sources

Select only lean meats and white meat over the fatty choices. Eat fish in abundance. Include shellfish and salmon. Eggs, tofu and dairy products should be an important part of your diet as well.

5. Select good fats

There are bad fats (saturated fats) and good fats (polysaturated and monosaturated fats). The bad fats clog your arteries, give you a heart disease and make you fat. The good fats protect your heart and protect your organs, among other things. Your fat sources should come from olives (or olive oil), avocado, almonds, walnuts, salmon and omega 3 supplement.

6. Eat non-starchy vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables are nutrient-rich and full of fiber. This helps with digestion, maintains colon health and keeps you full. Among the vegetables you should consume are carrots, peppers, broccoli, dark leafy salads, mushrooms, asparagus and so forth.

7. Consume fruits raw

Fruits are best eaten raw with their skin on to get the full benefit of the nutrients and fiber. Choose berries, watermelon, oranges, apples and grapes.

8. Water is a must

You need to consume 1 oz of water for every 2lbs of bodyweight. Water assist the fiber in the colon by keeping you regular and eliminate toxins from the system. It also helps you lose weight.

9. Add regular exercise to the equation

Diet alone is only half the battle. Regular exercise will maintain cardiovascular health and help you burn the fat. Make sure you get at least 20 minutes of cardiovascular training 3 times a day and 2 days of strength training, working the whole body in one day.

The basic principle of this program is to rotate the carbohydrate intake in a series of 3 days, which makes a cycle. The first day is a high carb day, the second day is a low carb day and the third day is a no carb day. By fluctuating your carbohydrate intake for 3 days, the body will not get the chance to lower its' metabolism during the low carb days and calories will burn all day, increasing your metabolism the whole day and the fat will melt off before you know it

Nina Redza is a health professional who practices good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise. You can learn more about the Carb Rotation Diet at

You can browse through Nina's homepage for more health and fitness issues at

Recommended Reading
Carb Rotation Diet
5 Absolute Truths Every Serial Dieter
Who Seeks Rapid & Permanent –
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Carb Cycling Diet Review - Important Questions and Answers